The American Labor Museum advances public understanding of the history and contemporary issues of work, workers and the labor movement throughout the world, with special attention to the ethnicity and immigrant experience of American workers. Visit Wed.-Sat. 1-4PM. All other times by appointment by calling 973-595-7953. Closed major holidays. Open Labor Day. Suggested donation, $5. Ask us about free admission and Museum Store discount coupons.
View a video history of the Botto House and the 1913 Paterson Strike.
Visit this site, and click on American Labor Museum under "Browse Collections."
“Pete Antonellis’ Wednesdays with Workers” View a series of interviews designed to inform and to prepare future workers for the American workplaces of the next decade on the Museum’s YouTube channel.
Current Exhibit:
Irwin Nack Workers’ Memorial Day Observance
and A Life in the Struggle book talk with author Lawrence Hamm
Monday, April 28th, 2025 at 7PM
The general public is cordially invited to the Museum’s Annual Irwin Nack Workers’ Memorial Day Observance, which is a hybrid program (in-person at the Museum and virtual via ZOOM). In addition to the traditional candlelight vigil, Lawrence Hamm will discuss his new book, Lawrence Hamm: A Life in the Struggle, which he wrote with Annette Alston (2024). Mr. Hamm is a co-founder of the People’s Organization for Progress (POP), headquartered in Newark, New Jersey, and is a long-time social justice advocate. For further information and to receive the ZOOM link, please call the Museum at 973-595-7953 or email
Ordinary People During Extraordinary Times
Exhibit by David Greene
May 1st - August 23rd, 2025
Contemporary photographer David Greene’s documentary work provides a view of the social, cultural, and personal experiences of the lives of the “ordinary people” who are his subjects. These black-and-white photographs focus on storytelling by a photographer who excels in portraiture. (At left, Generations 2 by David Greene.)
This exhibit is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Annual May Day Festival
Thursday, May 1st, 2025 at 7PM
The Annual May Day Festival plans call for instrumental and vocal performances by George Mann, who presents concerts that are part sing-along and part history lesson, accompanied by Marty Confurius and Al Podber. Annamaria Stefanelli, lyric soprano, will sing opera arias that were popular among immigrant workers of the early 1900’s. The NJ Industrial Union Council’s “Solidarity Singers” will also perform featuring creative original lyrics. For further information, please call the Museum at 973-595-7953 or email
This program is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Re-Union: How Bold Labor Reforms Can Repair, Revitalize, and Reunite the United States
A virtual book talk with author David Madland
Wednesday, Oct. 22nd, 2025 at 7PM
In honor of National Arts and Humanities Month, the Museum cordially invites the general public to a virtual discussion with David Madland, author of Re-Union: How Bold Labor Reforms Can Repair, Revitalize, and Reunite the United States (Cornell University Press, 2021). David Madland is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. He has been called “one of the nation’s wisest” labor scholars by Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne Jr. For further information and to receive the link to this virtual (ZOOM) discussion, please call the Museum at 973-595-7953 or email
Upcoming Events & Exhibits:
Legendary Ladies A to Z
Exhibit by Patti Kaufman
January 8th - April 26th, 2025
Legendary Ladies A to Z features a series of 26 contemporary collage paintings by artist Patti Kaufman and honoring courageous, bold women who have taken great risks and who, despite the odds, succeeded in making a lasting contribution that changed the world. (At left, E is for Amelia Earhart by Patti Kaufman.)
This exhibit is made possible in part by a grant administered by the Passaic County Cultural and Heritage Council from funds granted by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts.
Saturday Labor Arts Classes
For Students, Grades 3 through 5
March 1st - May 31st, 2025 at 11:30am
The Museum has received funding from the Puffin Foundation to host free Saturday Labor Arts Classes for students from grades 3 through 5. The purpose of the program is to introduce students to the history and contemporary issues of working people and immigrants through the visual and performing arts. The classes are conducted at the Botto House on Saturdays from 11:30am to 1PM. Due to its growing popularity, pre-registration is required and seating is limited. To register and for further information, please call the Museum at 973-595-7953 or email